Tuesday, October 28, 2008


While looking up ARGNet I found this post in relation to operation sleeper cell about a game called Cruel2BKind. Basically its a game of assassination where teams are given a three weapons of random acts of kindness. You have no information on your target except that they would be within a certain boundary. Players have no idea who their targets are meaning that innocent people could get caught in the crossfire . Heres the link http://www.cruelgame.com/

Saturday, October 25, 2008

One week off

Finally a break from college. Okay its not that bad but at least I can spend all week finalising my research for my final year project.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Examples of alternate reality games

While researching for my project I have come across many different ARGs. Here is a list of a few that I found to be very interesting.

Operation Sleeper Cell - an arg for british cancer foundation , very good and some of the puzzles are very clever. http://www.operationsleepercell.com/

The Dark Knight Arg - in this game players became citizens of the fictional Gotham City and would receive from the Joker and Harvey Dent and included activities like dressing up like the Joker and going to bakeries and picking up cakes with cell phones in them. Here is a wiki that goes through every part of the game and includes links to the many websites involved in the game. - http://batman.wikibruce.com/Home

Thursday, October 9, 2008

ARGS for charity

While browsing ARGNet an arg which has daily news on everything to do about alternate reality games I came across one that was sponsored by British Red Cross. This is one of many new types of args , serious ones. While most ARGS are just for fun these type raise awareness and encourage donations to charity. Here's the link for the article Traces of Hope.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The subject for my FYP

I have decided on doing an alternate reality game for my FYP.A definition from Wikipedia defines aalternate reality game (ARG) as an interactive  narrative. that uses the real world as a platform, often involving multiple media and game elements, to tell a story that may be affected by participants' ideas or actions. I decided on doing an ARG as it is something that is getting even more popular every year. In the US they are used to promote films , videos games and even tv shows. I am beginning my research now basically looking up sites on ARGS like www.argn.com and www.despoiler.org